• Student council members will be a part of different committees which include, Anti-ragging, Women Cell, Grievance Redressal committee, Library Committee, Cultural Committee, Research Committee etc.,.
  • These committees help in smooth running of the administration in the campus. Guiding the juniors and follow up students to enhance their technical and managerial skills by conducting seminars. Organizing the programs in the campus to improve the cleanliness and greenery in the campus.
  • These committees involve in organizing the Blood donation camps in the College, Conducting the people awareness programs like “SAVE GIRL CHILD”, “SAY NO TO DRUGS”, “DONT DRINK AND DRIVE”.
  • These committees also conduct Quiz and Elocution competitions, NSS programs in the college.
  • Involve in conducting NATIONAL PHARMACY WEEK celebrations, WORLD’S PHARMACIST DAY CELEBRATIONS, NATIONAL FESTIVALS etc., in the college every year.